Export Crops - Production All-Island Estimates Of Crop Area Reaped 10 Years Export Crops - Production Export Crops - Value Export Crops - Farmgate Prices All-Island Estimates Of Crop Area Reaped By Quarter Estimates Of Livestock Production In Jamaica Area Reaped Production And Farmgate Prices All-Island Estimates Of Farmgate Prices By Quarter All-Island Estimates Of Farmgate Prices 10 Years All-Island Estimates Of Crop Production By Quarter All-Island Estimates Of Crop Production 10 Years 2013-2017Export Crops - Production 2012-2016Export Crops - Production 2011 - 2015Export Crops - Production 2009-2013Export Crops - Production 2008-2012Export Crops - Production 2005-2009Export Crops - Production Sugar Cane and Derivatives, 2012-2016Export Crops - Production Sugar Cane and Derivatives, 2011-2015Export Crops - Production Sugar Cane and Derivatives, 2009-2013Export Crops - Production Sugar Cane and Derivatives, 2008-2012Export Crops - Production