Export Pest Risk Analyses

Before any plant or plant product can be exported from Jamaica a market access survey should be supplied to the potential importing country to conduct its own pest risk analysis. The PRA Unit works in conjunction with several organisations to compile a prospectus of the conditions of the specific commodity under scrutiny. In addition to diagnostic tests to provide phytosanitary assurance, the PRA Unit, working with the Research & Development Division, creates a pest list specific to the commodity, noting their levels of risk and infestation.

Other information constituting the market access includes:

  1. Mapping of the geographical location of crop sources/production
  2. Details of the pest management practices for the commodity
  3. Description of the packaging and shipping methodology to be utilised
  4. Estimates of the quantity to be exported


For more details contact:
Pest Risk Analysis Unit
Plant Quarantine/Produce Inspection Branch
Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
193 Old Hope Road, Hope Gardens, St. Andrew
Phone: 1876-977-7160
Fax: 1876-977-7160
E-mail: ppq@micaf.gov.jm





   Hope Gardens, Kingston 6, Jamaica
   Telephone: (876) 927-1731-50 / (876) 619-1731
   Fax: (876) 927-1904
   Email: psecoffice@moa.gov.jm


   Opening hours: 
   Mondays - Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
   Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


   MoAFM Customer Feedback System: 



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