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Home | Agriculture Minister Unveils Eat Jamaican Global Campaign at Diaspora Conference
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Hon. Floyd Green, addresses the launch of the the Eat Jamaican Global Campaign on June 18 at the 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference, being held at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in Rose Hall, St. James.

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 20 Jun 2024   

June 18 (JIS):

The Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, has unveiled the ‘Eat Jamaican Global Campaign’, aimed at promoting the consumption of authentic Jamaican food worldwide.

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining, Hon. Floyd Green, launched the initiative on June 18 at the 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference, being held at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in Rose Hall, St. James.

“As we celebrate the 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference, I can’t think of a better place to launch this, because all of you are ambassadors for the Eat Jamaican Global Campaign,” Mr. Green said.

The campaign is set for November, which is observed as Eat Jamaican Month, with November 25 recognised as Eat Jamaican Day.

Minister Green pointed out that the campaign seeks to capitalise on the growing popularity of Jamaican food and the expanding Jamaican diaspora.

He outlined that the Ministry intends to partner with Jamaican “Consulates and Missions in our major diaspora centres” to organise activities that encourage people to buy and consume authentic Jamaican produce and dishes.

“And I have to add this, eat authentic Jamaican food, because that’s the next pillar of our Eat Jamaican Global Campaign,” Mr. Green noted.

He explained that the focus of this pillar will be to devise schemes to help distinguish genuine Jamaican products from imitations, as the demand for Jamaican food has led to counterfeits flooding the global market.

Moreover, partnerships with local companies, importers and exporters will expand the reach of Jamaican produce worldwide, the Minister said.

Additionally, he said the Ministry plans to work with farmers to boost production levels to meet the anticipated surge in demand from the global campaign.

“A further part of our Eat Jamaican Global Campaign is that we have to expand our production numbers and partner with you in the diaspora to be investors in our agricultural enterprise,” Mr. Green indicated.

“Additionally, we will be compiling, under this Eat Jamaican Global Campaign, a database of restaurants and supermarkets across our main diaspora centres that are offering authentic Jamaican food. We want you to know who to really support when you go out and spend your hard-earned money,” he added.

In the meantime, Mr. Green said the campaign will feature a logo design competition open to “Creatives” in the diaspora. He is inviting submissions that capture the essence of Jamaican cuisine and the spirit of the global initiative.

“So, let’s celebrate the richness of our Jamaican cuisine. Let’s unite and support our farmers and producers,” the Minister underscored.

The 10th Biennial Jamaica Diaspora Conference is being held from June 16 to 19 under the theme ‘United for Jamaica’s Transformation: Fostering Peace, Productivity and Youth Empowerment’.

The event brings together more than 1,100 members of the diaspora, stakeholders from various sectors, and local Jamaican leaders to explore synergistic strategies that address key challenges and harness opportunities for transformative change.





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